About SIPS
SATWIK INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (SIPS) a unit of SATWIK MINI INDIA EDUCATION SOCIETY (SMIES), is a registered education society with its society registration act- xxii of 1860 bearing regd. no. 22293 / 21 of 2006 at I.G.R Cuttack , Odisha . SIPS has been recognized and approved by the Department of Culture , Government of Odisha and Affiliated to Utkal University of Culture (UGC Approved), Bhubaneswar, Odisha for conducting the professional & objective oriented courses.SIPS campus provides the perfect environment for students to learn the core qualities essential to the Tourism Industry: tolerance and open mindedness. Only those who treat diverse cultures with respect, regardless of skin colour, gender or religion can be sucessful in the related fields.Today, intercultural understanding and competence provide the key competitive edge in GLOBAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT.Our graduates go on take leading positions and establish successful tourism related enterprises. SIPS programs not only equips our students to develop sustainable tourism, but also to pass on their knowledge as instructionsor trainers in the Industry. This further enables them to create jobs & prosperity in their country of origin.
SATWIK INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (SIPS) a unit of SATWIK MINI INDIA EDUCATION SOCIETY (SMIES), is a registered education society with its society registration act- xxii of 1860 bearing regd. no. 22293 / 21 of 2006 at I.G.R Cuttack , Odisha . SIPS has been recognized and approved by the Department of Culture , Government of Odisha and Affiliated to Utkal University of Culture (UGC Approved), Bhubaneswar, Odisha for conducting the professional & objective oriented courses.SIPS campus provides the perfect environment for students to learn the core qualities essential to the Tourism Industry: tolerance and open mindedness. Only those who treat diverse cultures with respect, regardless of skin colour, gender or religion can be sucessful in the related fields.Today, intercultural understanding and competence provide the key competitive edge in GLOBAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT.Our graduates go on take leading positions and establish successful tourism related enterprises. SIPS programs not only equips our students to develop sustainable tourism, but also to pass on their knowledge as instructionsor trainers in the Industry. This further enables them to create jobs & prosperity in their country of origin.